Child Groomer, Sexual Predator
913 posts
Cannonpointer » Yesterday, 10:43 pm » wrote: ↑
Never gonna happen.
Look, the E.U. NEEDS this conflict to go on. And so do many individual PMs. The people don't - but the leaders do. The individual leaders do, because they've bet their political careers on it. The E.U. does, because they are consolidating their bureaucratic power through it.
Not one person at the E.U. level is voted for - not one. They're all bureaucrats, and at this point, the whims of the bureaucrats carry more weight than the decisions of the elected leaders. The E.U. can and does fix elections in member states. It recently shut down the election in Romania, because it didn't like the way the people were voting. It threatened to do the same in German, if the Germans didn't vote correctly.
The E.U. is not a country. It's a **** club, FUNCTIONING as a country, on extremely shaky legal authority. The E.U. is going to be lucky to negotiate a deal to stay in existence over the next few years, as member countries tire of the stink of the thing - much less negotiate with Moscow. Germany is deindustrializing thanks to the E.U.'s ****.
And the club don't want the stinking kleptomaniacal autocratic oilgawky in charge of everything.
I respect the club's position. But then again as Janis Joplin says.. "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose" I have no clue who Bobby McGee is but he should be pissed the Trump admin is draining his bank account.